The Other Troubles

Adam McIlwaine, Array Studios, Brennagh and Niamh Seana Meehan, Kate Guelke, Chris Thompson, Kevin Gaynor, Laura Holmes, Lee Hamill & Sinead Cameron

Exhibition Opening: Thursday 10th October, 6-9pm

Exhibition Continues: 11th – 30th October 2019

Curated by Adrián Ramos & Siobhán Kelly.

The cleanest version of history would suggest that The Troubles ended with the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. There is a generation born just before or just after this pivotal moment and coming of age, well, now. This generation is living between what was, and what is not yet, and facing a future as uncertain as it is full of new ideas and possibilities.

The aim of The Other Troubles is neither to dismiss history and its consequences, nor to provide ‘the solution’, but to create a space for conversation and exchange of ideas. This project invites young and emerging artists practicing in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to respond to the deliberately open question – “What do we think after The Troubles?” The result is a curated group exhibition, featuring works by artists based North and South of the
border. While their practices are varied – each utilising different approaches and methods for artistic expression – the selected works speak to social and physical barriers, collective identities and the struggle for human rights and dignity. The Other Troubles is marked by generational perspectives, including difficulties inherited from the past, as well as those that, like them, were born in this strange present.

Artist selection has been carried out by independent curators Adrián Ramos and Siobhán Kelly, supported by academic advisor Dr Giuliana Monteverde. The organisers reviewed artistic and professional references, as well as proposals and projects related to the themes of the exhibition. Importantly, this project would not be possible without the guidance and support of Platform Arts.



Thursday 10th October, 7-8pm

Performance: The Thatcher Project by Lee Hamill

Saturday 19th October, 3-5pm

Screening & Panel Discussion: What can studying the media do for us? by Dr Giuliana Monteverde

Saturday 26th October, 2-3pm

Guided Curatorial Tours by Adrian Ramos & Siobhan Kelly

Thursday 30th October 7-9pm

Performance: How do you like your border? by Brennagh & Niamh Seana Meehan

Please be aware that this performance involves audio recording visitor interactions. If you have any concerns please speak to a member of staff. If you have any queries please contact:

All events will take place at Platform Arts.


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