
Sinéad Keough


Live Performances:
2nd August 7pm-8pm
11th August 3pm-4pm
25th August 1pm-2pm

In an attempt to capture and express the personal memories of Barry, a club kid from the 90’s ,this multimedia installation presents Barry as he is today without his sight with fragmented images from his youth. The viewer is invited into Barry’s mind where an imaginary meeting occurs between the mythical Greek nymph Echo and a 22 year old Barry in a German forest preparing for a Trance festival. The use of the echo was site specific in the development of the work and an important element in the Vocal -Trance sub genre of 90’s EDM.

The performance is based on a conversation in pure sound terms between the Trance music mixed with Barry’s voice describing his memories of a young man at the festival and Echo (the performer) reacting with her musical voice creating a third layer in the sound installation.

Images by Simon Mills (@photosbysi)


...And There Was Light!


Death in Geological Time