How We Got Here

Rachel Alexander, Cathy Cannon, Dan Ferguson, Mary Gilfilan, Amy Higgins, Naomi Litvack, Gearoid McGinley, Rosemary McMillen, Joey O’Gorman, Jessica Snoddy, Vasiliki Stasinaki & Aaron Yendall

12 – 20 May 2017
Opening: Thurs 11 May, 6-9pm
Gallery 1 & 2

In a show that reflects the current flux of the world, intermixing collage, multi-media, sculpture and painting, this group of emerging artists on Belfast’s first year MFA explore such diverse themes as the monstrous feminine, what is sublime, how we encounter the abject, and the validity and durability of memory. Our attention is commanded by voices from within the zoetrope: highlighting, celebrating and challenging society’s myriad of axioms.




“Th’ whole worl’ is in a terrible state o’ chassis”