The Present Instant

Richard O’Sullivan & Matilde Meireles

6 – 25 Nov 2015
Opening: 6 – 9pm, Thurs 5 Nov 2015
Gallery 1

Time is usually duration – it flows and spills, back and forth. Time flows: the threads shadow back into the past and merge into the future. But what happens when we fix time in the present instant and refuse its progression? What happens when the moment stands fixed in the flow of time continuing around it? Technology allows us to catch and still the present instant, and this exhibition will bring together two works that use video, static imagery and sound to do so. As such, the projects seek to illuminate our particular ways of seeing time and place, and the relationships of our media to temporality.

In The Landscape Confronts the Camera, a series of extended video shots show a wandering figure in a coastal landscape. At points, the audience is made to see from another perspective.

Moving Still: 1910, Avenida Atlântica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil uses a dialogue between photography, text and surround sound to reflect on the constraints of recording place. /




Extremely Brief Impressions