
Colin Martin

8 – 28th August

Opening 6-9pm, Thursday 7th August

Artist Talk 5pm, Friday 15th August

‘There are a thousand ways to point a camera, but really only one.’
Ernst Lubitsch

Keyframe is a new film installation filmed at the Irish Film Archive, Dublin. It is a multi-screen installation with a number of synchronised sequences. Each sequence begins with a wide frame and moves towards a close-up of a photograph taped to the opposite wall. The sequences move from these two key positions in different cinematic movements – zoom, slow track, dissolves, hand held, edits and blow up, gradually revealing more information about the space. The work makes reference to Michael Snows seminal Structuralist film ‘Wavelength’ 1967.

Keyframe investigates the phenomenon of tweening, an animation term that describes the perceptual leap that exists between two static film frames. It explores the archive as a repository for the crystallisation of historical record. When is something regarded as ‘key’ and does its significance depend on its relationship to framing and position?

Colin Martin lives and works in Dublin. He is a graduate of DIT 1994 and NCAD 2010. Recent exhibitions include ‘Collection’ City Assembly House, Dublin 2013, ‘The Garden’ Broadcast Gallery, Dublin 2012 and ‘Cyclorama’ Basic Space, Dublin 2011. He is the recipient of the Arts Council Bursary, Thomas Dammann Award and Hennessy Craig Scholarship.

This exhibition will be accompanied by a new text by Sean O Sullivan.

This can be viewed here.


Peppered Dots

