Individual Citizen: Learning Experiment

4th July – 29th August 2013

This 2 month long programme of exhibitions, workshops and events explores a variety of learning models and the relativity of information. Through education formats that range from the traditional to the challenging, the LEARNING EXPERIMENT explores how we share and utilise information, giving participants the chance to progress towards an ideal citizenship. Each week in August a teaching model is trialled within our dynamic multifunctional learning environment.

Exhibitions by Bernadine Carroll and Martin Boyle shall run concurrently to these events, alongside the ongoing exhibition of Richard Martin’s interactive installation.

Week One: PAY

Group Workshops 03.08.13 – 10.08.13

This shall follow the traditional information dissemination of the hands-on teacher-student model. Classes in DIY, dance, cookery, philosophy and computing shall provide essential life skills, promoting an individual that excels in social interactions and everyday situations. Small amounts of money pass hands in exchange for desired knowledge.

Week Two: SWAP

Skills Exchange 10.08.13 & 13.08.13

These classes shall follow a non-capitalist egalitarian learning technique, whereby those who attend a class shall teach a class in exchange. Skills such as Japanese, smoothie making, cookery, embedded computing and sculptural casting amongst those offered.

Week Three: SHOW

Lectures 15.08.13 & 20.08.13 at 7pm

Crisis Talks” shall see an evening of micro-lectures by experts in a variety of subjects, who shall rapidly present issues relative to their fields and the wider world. An evening of three performative lectures shall follow.

Week Four: TEST

Circuit Training and Prize-giving 29.08.13

Citizens shall readily employ all skills acquired against the clock in our multi-functional educational environment. Graduation and school disco to follow.




Ripped, Chiseled and Rock Hard